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Welcome to 4 Squared Marketing where we provide tips, tools and strategies to making money online. We explore various methods of digital marketing including affiliate marketing, lead generation, traffic sources, SEO and so more.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Marketers are making millions of dollars everyday by promoting products or services they don't even own! Crazy right? Click the link below to find out how they are doing it.

What is Groovekart?

Looking for an awesome FREE alternative to Shopify to sell your ecommerce products ?Check out Groovekart by  clicking the link below and be prepared to be blown away!

Email Marketing

Never underestimate the power of email, your email list is one of the most vital tools in your business. Click the link below to get tips on email marketing.


Get Started Now

Looking for a platform to catapult your business to the next level?

The World's Fastest Growing CRM and Marketing Automation Platform For Digital and eCommerce Marketers.

  • Absolutely Free & No Credit Card Required.

  • Get access to 17 Powerful Apps.

  • Free Onboarding & Training Provided.

  • Website building and content delivery

    What Is A Sales Funnel?

    Your #1 Funnel Builder Platform

    For ANY business to thrive, one thing is vital...Customers!

  • Build professional, high converting sales funnels in minutes. 

  • Build branded websites with free hosting and bandwidth. 

  • Upsells, Downsells and Order Bumps.

  • Ultimate Side Hustle

    Dive into the world of the side hustle

    If you're working a typical 9 to 5 job then chances are you're always on the lookout for simple ways to make a bit of extra cash on the side.

    If this sounds like you then I'm sure you'll find this information very useful. 


    The Best Affiliate Marketing Courses

    Affiliate marketing can be a tough nut to crack but with the right guidance and dedication You can do it ! 

    There are way too many so called "Guru's" out there that are more than happy to take your hard earned cash and provide little to no value.

    The courses recommended here are ones that we have been a part of and we can vouch that you will get.....

    • No Bull#%&! or sales gimmicks

    • Training by 7,8 & 9 figure digital marketers

    • Tried & tested courses that DO provide value



    30% - 40% of ecommerce retailers use the dropshipping method to fulfill customer orders.

    Before starting a dropshipping business, you want to make sure that this is the right type of business model for you. Dropshipping can be very lucrative, if done correctly.Firstly, it is key to understand exactly what dropshipping is and how it works.

  • The pro's & cons of dropshipping

  • Getting started in 5 simple steps

  • Tips & tricks to dropshipping success

  • White Board Animation

    Animated videos provide a unique style of engaging your audience. They are informative, descriptive and well, just fun to watch, check out the video below.


    About Us

    We are a husband and wife team focused on providing content related to brand building, affiliate marketing, sales funnels and so much more. Hopefully, the content we share here will provide you with the resources you need to get started with a successful online business and get you on your way to quitting your 9-5 job and living the life you deserve.

    We welcome you with this inspirational quote, "I never lose, I either win or I learn" Nelson Mandela

    Join The Program

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    93 The Grange,Letterkenny,


    Email: [email protected]

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